Who Taught the First Teacher?

The first teacher was taught by their parents, relatives, and community caregivers. Knowledge passed down from one generation to the next.

What Can I Do with a Master’s in Education?

You don’t need to retrain for these roles if you have a relevant education master’s. Most of these jobs can significantly boost your salary.

Why Teaching Is Still a Good Career Choice

Teaching is one of the most rewarding career choices. While being a teacher is demanding, you get opportunities to make a genuine difference.

What Is an IEP: Individualized Education Program?

IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. The document is a customized education services plan created for a student with disability.

Role of a Special Education Teacher

The role of a special education teacher is to teach academic, social and life skills so students with disabilities can reach their potential.

Qualities of a Good Early Childhood Education Teacher

Early childhood education (ECE) teachers should be leaders and passionate. That’s according to current ECE teachers who were asked what qualities make for a good early childhood teacher. We also…