Advice for Future Teachers of America

Are you considering becoming one of America’s next teachers? You probably have lots of questions. Here are common ones, along with answers!

5 Letter Word with Most Vowels (Wordle Words)

5-letter words with the most vowels are queue, audio, eerie, aioli, adieu, ouija, aurei, and uraei. Each contains 4 vowels and 1 consonant.

How to Use Videos in the Classroom

A video can be a powerful learning tool. All you have to do it to learn how to use videos in the classroom to increase students engagement.

21 Ways of Teaching Soft Skills to Students

Let’s explore 21 ways of teaching soft skills to students, so they can thrive in the future. The article has a handy list of soft skills.

How to Succeed in an Online Class Tips

The top 5 tips for online class success are from a survey of hundreds of online students. The best strategies were condensed into guidelines.

All 5 Letter Words With No Vowels (Real)

We thought it’d be fun to list all 5-letter English words without vowels. The list has real words only. Other lists contain made-up words.

Pros and Cons of Technology in the Classroom

While technology creates many opportunities, blended teaching and learning are not without disadvantages. What are the downsides of tech?

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay

In these 31 essays, college students answer the question “I want to become a teacher because …” or “I want to become a teacher to …”.

How to Handle Bad Student Behavior

A classroom brings together both well and badly behaved students. The latter need attention to usher them back on the path to good behavior.

Prior Knowledge Activities

Here are activities to activate prior knowledge in the classroom. Once you get a feel for these, you should be able to come up with your own.