Who Taught the First Teacher?

The first teacher was taught by their parents, relatives, and community caregivers. Knowledge passed down from one generation to the next.

What Can I Do with a Master’s in Education?

You don’t need to retrain for these roles if you have a relevant education master’s. Most of these jobs can significantly boost your salary.

Why Teaching Is Still a Good Career Choice

Teaching is one of the most rewarding career choices. While being a teacher is demanding, you get opportunities to make a genuine difference.

How to Become a Homeschool Teacher

Essential requirements to be a homeschool teacher vary by state. Generally, a high school diploma is required and expertise in the subjects.

Teaching Middle School English

Are you interested in teaching English at middle school? You should know that this career is challenging. But you can make a real difference.

12 Things Successful Teachers Do

Countless strategies will increase your success as a teacher and help your students succeed. Here are a dozen things successful teachers do.

Role of a Special Education Teacher

The role of a special education teacher is to teach academic, social and life skills so students with disabilities can reach their potential.

I Want to Become a Teacher Because | My Dream Job Essay

In these 31 essays, college students answer the question “I want to become a teacher because …” or “I want to become a teacher to …”.

What Happened to Common Sense in Education?

When is common sense coming back to education? Our politically correct, litigious society is taking more and more away from the education of our students. The Playground Bulldozed by a…

Qualities of a Good Early Childhood Education Teacher

Early childhood education (ECE) teachers should be leaders and passionate. That’s according to current ECE teachers who were asked what qualities make for a good early childhood teacher. We also…