30 Classroom Rules + Poster

Do you want to gain control of your class? A list of good classroom rules will help. We’ve constructed a set of basic rules to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning.

You can download the classroom rules poster below, print it out, and put it up on the bulletin board or wall. Hopefully, your students will take the time to read it and put the guidelines into action.

These rules and expectations were produced based on research by Future Educators as well as my own teaching experience. Every situation requires some special rules (such as when kindergartners are taking food into the toilets). But there are some classroom norms that apply everywhere.

Classroom Rules Poster

Download this high-quality print for your classroom. The poster contains 15 classroom rules in total, with 5 Dos, 5 Expectations, and 5 Don’ts.

Classroom rules poster

The poster shows universal school rules that apply to almost any classroom, from preschool (though the kids may not be able to read them), through to kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school.

Related: 12 Things Successful Teachers Do

Top 30 Classroom Rules

One key to being a successful teacher is communicating correct behaviors. Use this list of school rules to make expectations clear to students. Reinforce these class norms often.

10 Dos

Dos are the positive actions and behaviors you expect from students. Encourage these practices to build a positive and productive classroom environment.

1. Raise your hand to speak
2. Listen to your teacher
3. Be on time
4. Respect others
5. Be prepared for class
6. Keep your hands to yourself
7. Work hard and do your best
8. Respect school property
9. Ask for help when needed
10. Keep your desk tidy

10 Don’ts

Don’ts are the behaviors students should avoid. By guiding them to steer clear of these actions, you help maintain a respectful and focused classroom.

1. Don’t interrupt
2. Don’t cheat or copy
3. Don’t leave your seat without permission
4. Don’t eat or drink in class
5. Don’t use your phone during class
6. Don’t damage school property
7. Don’t speak out of turn
8. Don’t use inappropriate language
9. Don’t ruin the new equipment
10. Hands off, feet off (other people)

10 Expectations

Expectations are the standards you set for students. Clearly identify these to help create a safe, organized, and effective learning environment.

1. Be safe, respectful, and responsible
2. Complete all assignments
3. Follow classroom procedures
4. Participate actively
5. Keep a positive attitude
6. Stay organized
7. Concentrate on learning
8. Report issues to the teacher
9. Be quiet during independent work
10. Follow the dress code

Related: How to Handle Bad Student Behavior